The FTD® Simply Enchanting™ Rose Bouquet

No. d'article : E4-4822

The FTD® Simply Enchanting™ Rose Bouquet brings together lush red roses to make a lasting impression. Gorgeous red roses are simply accented with a variety of fresh greens and perfectly situated in a classic clear glass vase to create a flower bouquet that conveys your hearts deepest desires for love and romance.

Your choice

  • Regular bouquet

    Reg. price 59.99

Enhance your order with these products

  • 3 Balloons

    12.95 $
  • Chocolate box

    15.99 $
  • Teddy bear

    22.99 $
  • Greeting card

    7.95 $

All the articles shown on this site are the arrangement types that we offer and it can vary accordingly with their availibity in some regions.