97,99 $ Buy now
The FTD® Pure Enchantment™ Rose Bouquet blossoms with brilliant roses in bright hues to capture your special recipient's every attention. Hot pink, lavender and orange roses create a splash of color accented with lush bupleurum to make an exceptional flower bouquet. Presented in a modern clear glass vase, this rose bouquet is set to send your warmest wishes for their birthday, as a thank you gift or to celebrate any of life's special moments.
69,99 $ Buy now
The FTD® Love Rushes In™ Bouquet is a warm expression of your most heart-filled desires. Brilliant red roses, pink Asiatic lilies, burgundy mini carnations and lush greens are gorgeously arranged in a ruby square glass vase accented with a black velvet ribbon around the neck displaying a single shell button, making this bouquet a gift that displays your most romantic intentions.
69,99 $
64,99 $
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The FTD® Always True™ Bouquet blossoms with love's tender message. Rich red roses and carnations are accented with fuchsia mini carnations and lush greens arranged to perfection in a classic clear glass vase to create an exceptional way to convey your heart's most intimate wishes.
79,99 $
69,99 $
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The FTD® Pure Passion™ Bouquet is rich in romance and sweet sophistication. Red roses combine with white Oriental lilies artistically accented with lily grass blades for an incredible look. Wrapped in aspidistra leaves around the stems, this bouquet arrives seated in a clear glass vase presented with a sterling classic beaded flower bracelet at the base to create the perfect atmosphere for love to bloom.